Friday, December 31, 2010


Less than 3 hours till the year breaks people!

I hope that you (my imaginary readers) will be spending this holiday with the people that matter in your life.

Weirdly enough I'm actually excited! it's been a long time since I've been excited about a new year coming. Chalk it up to the usual angst that 'young people' carry with them. But I'm turning 28 now and I really wouldn't call myself young anymore. A lot of things have happened that made me just want to bury myself or hide under a rock but looking back... It's still all good :)

Lots of things to look forward to for the upcoming year and "Project 365" will be spearheading that for me. Whether the project or everything else goes tits up (and there's a good chance it will !) the important thing is I'm actually taking that step forward.

Plans! Got lots of plans. personal and hobby-wise. Resolutions. Goals. All that stuff! and here are a few that i plan to get done:

- get some artwork out there. Fanart and maybe some homegrown stuff :) but the basic idea is to draw more

-I plan to get 35-50 points of Trollbloods painted by the end of Q1

- help out in WMH Philippines: Build terrain. Contribute. Run Demo Games!

- Get published or at least get my artwork in print again

- join and win a Miniature Painting Contest

And a lot more. All of that competing with my other life goals for time and resources but hey, things worth doing are never easy.

I can do this :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Direction

*say the title ten times really fast

Actually, the title is a bit of a misnomer since I plan on taking *A* direction with the blog.

The blog is really going to be something that will keep me motivated and focused I guess. Its going to be something that'll keep myself from drowning in the everyday stuff.

No, there won't be any emo poetry.

at least... not yet. *craaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwliiiing iiiiiiiiin my skiiiiiiiin!*

But in all seriousness I really want to get a lot done. There will be Miniature Painting and modeling articles, maybe product and food reviews (I hope to work with Roxane on this one), video blogs... I could go on. Not all at once mind you.

To the casual observer that doesn't seem to be *a* direction but more like a dizzy stumbling about. To the casual observer I will say: "Shut it."

Can I actually pull all of that off without falling flat on my face or succumbing to the all powerful "meh"? I honestly don't know if I could.

But I'll definitely try. And hopefully have fun in the process.

Jan 1, 2011 will be the first real post in "Project 365".

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Going to take another shot at this...

With the new year coming up I've decided to get started on one of my resolutions: Start and MAINTAIN a blog.

Starting is easy, as evidenced by my first post in...2009

But maintaining one is the difficult part.

So how do I plan to go about this? Well I've been following Tobi's blog for a while now :

And to shamelessly rip him off i intend to do something similar.

365 days in a year, 365 posts of things i like; ranging from Living Dead Dolls, Warmachine and Hordes, Comicbooks, books, music, viral videos and memes, to thoughts, ideas and whatnot.

So basically I will be polluting the world wide web with things in my head that really shouldn't be getting out. But that's like adding a teaspoon of water into the sea isn't it? Yes 4chan, I'm looking at you!

Here we go.

God forgive me for what I'm about to do.