Thursday, April 21, 2011

Project 365: Day 86 - I'm tired of being mad

One way or another, everyone ends up in a conflict situation.

If you're even a little bit like me you'll end up in a lot of them. Most of the time I just dig my heels in and see everything to the bitter end. Scorched earth if need be. I may not be 100% right all of the time but I sure as hell do believe so during those situations

Sometimes though you just get tired of the drama and you just want to offer the olive branch and make peace. Especially when you're not entirely sure what the conflict is about and when you're dealing with someone you thought was a friend and dear to those you consider friends.

It's not about being the bigger man in this case. You really just want to patch things up. It matters ya know?

But then after offering the sign of peace, they slap your hand and just remain...unreasonable and passive aggressive.

Do I deserve it? Maybe. Regrets? Not getting the chance to talk things through.

But I'm just tired of being mad. I'm just done with that now. Especially since I wasn't mad in the first place.

I'll try walking away from this one and see where it gets me.


  1. well karl if you treated your 'friends' as friends instead of insulting them and getting mad if they react naturally mad, you'd have more 'friends' ya dumbass

  2. again the offer is up for a talk man

    your call

  3. honestly, you are stern in your views, and there's nothing to talk... besides I like being "unreasonable and passive aggressive."

  4. im giving you the opportunity to change them

    and im giving myself the opportunity to apologize

    we're both better than this pettiness man

    at the very least id like to know what you're really angry about. Its definitely not about the things youre sniping about.

  5. plain and simple... this 'unreasonable, passive aggressive and petty' person will not stand idly by as you spread your attitude around...

    you've proven time and time again your views are stuck, so thanks but no thanks for you 'giving' me the opportunity to change them, then 'giving' yourself the opportunity to apologize... gee I feel so grateful to be graced by so much generosity on your part.

  6. at least one of us is giving here

    tell me what youre doing here is not anything ive said so far.

    This is petty this is passive aggressive and its tiring being the second half it.

    this "dumbass" thought i could speak my mind around ya cuz you said I could. This dumbass though we're big enough men that our prejudices and opinions wouldnt get in the way of us being civil

    dont hate me for the exact same attitude you ENCOURAGED when i was in your good graces because thats just hypocritical

    its obvious i hurt your feelings and i think i know where it came from. you gotta talk to me about it though.

    me and wolf, we didnt see eye to eye in the same discussion that i think caused this rift. But hey thats us ya know? doesnt stop us from being buddies.

    id love to know how you plan to "not stand idly by" tho. you gonna snipe every post, everything is say and go "neener neener?"

    but if you insist go ahead. you'll be the only one mad and thats gonna tire you out one day. when that day comes we can bury the hatchet

  7. Encouraged attitude?, that attitude? Dude you give that whatever 'attitude' to everyone, friend or foe and that reeks of bs... you didn't need encouragement...

    Lol, you were blocked long before that discussion, just post after post, your 'attitude' just got tiresome... from the wah wah over the painting contest in the GT to noobs harmlessly asking for hobby advice, etc., etc.,

    so we will never bury the hatchet, want insight, read your own profile...

    I am: Abrasive, tactless, frustrating, infuriating...

    it's one thing to throw your weight around people who deserve it, but towards those you consider your 'buddies' and total strangers, that's low

    so yes, whenever you're being a jackass, i'll 'snipe', quit being a smartass then i'll leave you alone... look at your hobby event posts, you're not being a jackass there so you were left alone...

  8. yes encouraged. you certainly enjoyed it when this attitude was directed at people you don't like :P

    you thought id reserve this for the people i dislike? thats two faced. if we have a discussion this is what im bringing.

    and id ask you to pick your opportunities

    I know feriomadrox personally. I cooked spaghetti for him and baguiomenite. when im on ym and facebook he asks me WM/H related questions

    i answered the chatbox question a DAY after he posted it. I answered it from work where I didnt have access to the PP forums. if i had access i wouldve given him the link

    the newbie youre defending invaded 2 threads with vague questions tyhat were derailing the thread and his own thread was vague and to be frank, the thread i "gave him the attitude on" was also vague and afflicted with laziness.

    i wasnt the first to snipe him as well

    the funny thing about this is our earliest disagreement was when i said you and kim was being unfair to a newbie

    i brought it straight to you and i brought it straight to kim.

    Kim defended himself and his position and thats that as far as i remember. if he resented that then he's not showing it.

    you're looking for opportunities to snipe . the posts youre infuriated on is just because youre angry at me, period.

    all im getting from you now is that i disagree with you and that makes me the bad guy :P

    geez man. we dont have to see eye to eye on everything to be civil. but if this "attitude" that you enjoyed (this is why you reached out to me the first time btw) is keeping us from being friends then i guess ill just mourn that loss.

    youre certainly making the mwph a lot less enjoyable for yourself.
