Monday, February 7, 2011

Project 365: Day 38 - Painting Miniatures - Second Chances

It's very rare that we get second chances.

Dialing down the drama a bit, I'm talking about getting a second chance to paint a figure you traded off.

I painted a set of figures for the A Touch Evil boardgame some time ago and I traded them off. I was experimenting with OSL at that time and I'm sad to say that my attempt with it was a bit heavy handed. So when Rolf,  the person who eventually got the figs asked me to paint the figures from the expansion set, he mentioned that he wasnt happy with the OSL effect I used. I jumped at the chance to repaint the fig for him. 

After three hours of painting, here are the results:

First attempt: Neon explosion!
Second attempt

So, what do you think?


  1. OSL effect is way more effective in your second attempt. Great job!

    When are you going to do an OSL tutorial?

  2. I think there are a lot more effective tutorials for osl out there than whatever it is i can put out :P
