Monday, February 28, 2011

Project 365: Day 57 - Do the stories change when it's someone you know?

We all hear stories of people who have gone to other countries to find their fortune. Sometimes this is a choice, sometimes it's a choice not easily made. We all hear about the success stories, the tragedies and those in between.

Do the stories change when it's someone you know?

He wasn't someone I'd call a friend. We exchanged pleasantries and shared meals one time or another. It's the usual type of interactions you have with people you know through other people. I've seen him come home like a kid, sweaty from a game of basketball. I've seen his mother dote on him and his cousins, one of them my girlfriend, talk, laugh and play jokes on each other.

He went with his family abroad, which is not uncommon. It was harder imagining him serving under the US Armed Forces and being sent to Afghanistan. His family was very proud.

I've been meaning to add him on Facebook like I've done for his brother.

I know people who will miss him dearly.

The stories don't change when it's someone you know. The pain and loss is still there.

You just get to see it up close.

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