Monday, February 21, 2011

Project 365: Day 47 - How I lose as blogged by other people...

So yeah... Two folks have posted battle reports of my matches with them. Both games happened on the same day, with me using the same list and me pretty much getting my ass pasted both times. Theres a third game I played that night and that didnt end well either.

By my count, that's  a 5 loss streak for eKaya. Oi.

On the upside these losses do give me some badly needed blog fodder.Click on the links below for detailed reports.

My thoughts on the game with Wolf: He pretty much laid it as it happened. Actually he's being kind and left out the stupid mistake I made early in the game. We were playing Killbox that night (or as we like to call it: Assassination) and at the bottom of my turn i positioned Kaya so that I wasnt completely within the killbox costing me the game. As it was a casual game, Wolf and I just continued with it.

I went second and  knowing Strakhov's feat I was really worried about eating a feat fueled charge either from the Kayazy (Gang) and Doomreavers (weaponmasters with reach on a charge! holy kamote). My list relied on getting a good alphastrike and repositioning for a follow up next turn. I popped the feat too early and earned little. I tried to go for the assassination run as I knew the feat was coming the next turn and i wouldnt survive that. I was able to wound Strakhov but couldn't finish the job.

My thoughts on the match with Kim: To be honest I was pretty confident going in. I knew Sorscha's feat and I knew how the rest of Kim's army was going to work. I went second again and that helped me position myself to take advantage of my feat. I couldn't kill a lot of his stuff but I did manage to lessen the threat of his heavy hitters during my feat turn. I even planned around surviving Sorscha's feat by surrounding my warlock with large bases and made sure that I'd have a good counter attack in the event that Kim does pull the trigger.

I just didnt know that putting Sorscha on an inch of elevation would allow her to bypass my screen attempt and still render me frozen.

Well that teaches me to go read the rules better in the future.

My thoughts on eKaya: 5 loss streak. 5 consecutive losses. And I know its not her problem but mine. I realize I've been playing her much like I've been playing her when it was still MKI. I kept trying to pull off assassination runs when I shouldve have been positioning myself for better alpha strikes. This is the exact opposite of my experiences with Kromac lately as I found that how I imagined playing Kromac is how he's designed in MKII. Whereas during MKI I had a real crappy time putting him on the table. I should start working on capitalizing on her strengths and forget how I used to play her

after both games I had another game with SJ which also ended in defeat. It did however help me come up with the conclusions I mentioned above. I also realized that going for an eKaya assassination without having a flanking beast is just plain dumb.

To sum up, the day was again filled with good folks playing good games. It's always a pleasure chucking dice with these folks.

PS: even with the loss streak, I wont be abandoning eKaya. I will, however, take the time to strip her down and repaint her.

Maybe with a brakefluid bath i'll be able to wash away the suck.

stay tuned.

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